Asian Agri Jambi. [jambi ekspres] asian agri invites communities to actively conduct health checks “Prevention is better than cure” This moral message is conveyed by Asian Agri an oil palm plantation company which is part of Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Group to the people of Tuo Sumay Village and Teriti Village Sumay District Tebo Regency Jambi Province.

In the first year Asian Agri will approach and collect data from 10000 smallholders supplying fresh fruit bunches to its four mills in Jambi In the second year Asian Agri will conduct training and knowledge sharing on sustainable practices and facilitate the formation of a 4000member cooperative.
Asian Agri dan Grup Apical Gelar Operasi Pasar Minyak
Sekilas mengenai Asian Agri Asian Agri Group merupakan perusahaan swasta nasional terkemuka di Indonesia yang memproduksi minyak sawit mentah (CPO) sejak tahun 1979 dan mempekerjakan sekitar 25000 orang saat ini Sejak tahun 1987 Asian Agri telah menjadi perintis program Pemerintah Indonesia Perkebunan Inti Rakyat Transmigrasi (PIR Trans).
Asian Agri is one of the biggest companies with the largest number of partnership with smallholders in Indonesia We started the partnership program in 1987 when we became a pioneer of the Indonesian Government Transmigration Program (PIRTrans) through the Plasma Smallholders program in Riau and Jambi Province By implementing the same program as with.
Asian Agri, IDH & SETARA to help independent smallholders
PDF fileAsian Agri (PT Inti Indosawit Subur) is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2006 More than 86% of its owned plantations in North Sumatra Riau & Jambi provinces and 100% of Plasma Scheme smallholder plantations in Riau & Jambi provinces have been RSPO certified All its owned plantations and those owned by scheme.
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Perkebunan Asian Agri
IDH partners with Asian Agri and Setara to support 10,000
Asian Agri Sekolah Sawit Lestari Bekali Siswa Ilmu
Asian Agri Distributes Clean Water Facilities to
Tentang Kami Asian Agri
PRESS RELEASE Asian Agri Distributes Clean Water
Asian Agri Produsen Minyak Kelapa Sawit Terkemuka di
Asian Agri memiliki 30 perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berlokasi di Provinsi Riau Jambi dan Sumatera Utara seluas 100000 hektar Perusahaan juga bermitra dengan skema petani lasma dan petani mandiri yang masingmasing mengelola.