Ayam Rooster. This rooster is a native species of Indonesia This very country is the home of many exotic species Ayam cemani is one of the most wonderful animals from the family of birds in Indonesia The typical prettiness of tropical birds are the colorful feathers Yet Ayam cemani is different This rooster looks gorgeous with its shiny black feathers 2.

The obvious male (the older one) has red in his comb and wattles should be solid black in a pure bred ayam cemani The younger two look like 1 male 1 female and they both seem to have better color It will be interesting to see how they turn out Jul 23 2020 #7 Rhodebar Lover Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 6 Years Apr 5 2015 8330 886020210706202009202020052420190625.
Ayam Cemani Rooster – Heidinmyworld Of Art
Ayam Cemani rooster Hatched April 2021 $4500 Ayam Cemani Rooster Kitchener / Waterloo 15/12/2021 8 Month old Ayam Cemani Rooster for sale $45 $6000 Ayam cemani roosters for sale Belleville 12/12/2021 56 month old cemani roosters for sale Handful to choose from Pairs are possible $4000 SOLD FibroMelanistic Chicks Mosaics.
Ayam Cemani Rooster Crowing #Shorts YouTube
Ayam Cemani rooster Hatched April 2021 $1500 Ayam cemani chicks New Glasgow 17/12/2021 I have some ayam cemani chicks available They are 24weeks old unsexed $15 each Location near Antigonish Can do deliver on 22nd From Antigonish to Halifax $4500 Ayam Cemani Rooster Kitchener / Waterloo 15/12/2021.
Ayam Cemani: Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color …
Ayam Cemani is a melanistic breed which means an overdevelopment of melanin Their inkblack feathers shimmer with a metallic sheen of beetle green and purple in the sun The Ayam Cemani are generally friendly birds but will assert themselves with other flock members.
Ayam Cemani Breed Information Care Guide Egg Color And More
World? Let’s See Rooster In The This The Most Expensive
Ayam Kijiji in Ontario. Buy, Sell & Save with Canada’s
Ayam Cemani: Everything You Need To Know About This …
Ayam Cemani: Is This Luxury Chicken Breed Worth …
Locally in Toronto Roosters Adopt or Rehome Livestock
Ayam cemani, Exotic Black Roosters from Indonesia
Chicken Wikipedia
6 Ayam Cemani Fertile Hatching Eggs Pure All Black Cemani
Ayam Cemani rooster or hen? BackYard Chickens Learn
Ayam Cemani Chicken ; Sugar Feather Farm
Ayam Cemani Adopt or Rehome Livestock Locally in Canada
Laughing Chicken Laughing Chicken Ayam Ketawa The
Ayam Cemani Rooster Kijiji in Ontario. Buy, Sell
They are intelligent gentle and docile – including the roosters Ayam Cemani breed has been described as flighty but most people who have them or raise them say this is not so They are easy to handle and low maintenance fowl They are quite a winter hardy shaking off the Vermont winters easily when given the appropriate housing and shelter .