Hail Mary Genius. Genius Annotation 1 contributor The Song name comes from the football play called a Hail Mary where all the recievers run straight and the QB throws it deep or as far as he can to get a score Trey.

Artist(s) Eminem 50 Cent 2Pac Busta RhymesOriginal Song(s) Hail Mary 50 CentHail Mary 2PacAlbum Genius‘ MindsYear 2013By Prozzuct.
Eminem Hail Mary [Genius' Minds] New 2013 (feat. 50 Cent
“Hail Mary” is a single by American rapper Tupac from his final album The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory under the new stage name Makaveli The song released after his September 1996 death features rap verses by Kastro Young Noble and Yaki Kadafi of The Outlawz and Prince Ital JoeA music video was shot for the song and can be found on the DualDisc of The Don.
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The Hail Mary (Latin Ave Maria) is a traditional Christian prayer addressing Mary the mother of Jesus The prayer is based on two biblical episodes featured in the Gospel of Luke the Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary (the Annunciation) and Mary‘s subsequent visit to Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist (the Visitation) The Hail Mary is a prayer of praise for and of petition to Mary Missing geniusMust include.
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Hey everyone this is me reacting to a Hail Mary from 2pac off his Makaveli album Please like sub and share!Patreon https//patreoncom/BluTube Instagram.
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Hail Mary (1985) directed by JeanLuc Godard Reviews
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Music video to 2Pac performing Hail Mary featuring The Outlawz From the album The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory © 1996 DRRLyricsMakaveli in this Killu.