Hero Meta Ml. Why the heroes in S tier are so good right now The meta in Mobile Legends at the moment revolves around ending the game within 1015 minutes The heroes in Tier S are basically there because they are capable of snowballing the game early on Plus they are also the ones with the potential to output a lot of damage or provide utility for the team.

Mathilda is the first support/assassin type hero in ML She can provide mobility buffs on allies while also dishing out a ton of damage to enemies Mathilda’s item build is Demon Shoes Glowing Wand Necklace of Durance Oracle Bruteforce and Immortality.
Mobile Legends Tier List Best Heroes for January 2022
1 Hero Fighter ML Hero Fighter | Moonton Hero dengan role Fighter pada awalnya merupakan hero yang tidak banyak terlalu digunakan oleh pemain Pasalnya hero ini dianggap terlalu lemah sehingga gampang untuk dibunuh Namun setelah mendapatkan emblem khusus hero fighter menjadi hero yang banyak diperhitungkan dan digunakan oleh pemain.
Mobile Legends Tier List (January 2022): Best Heroes in …
113 rowsThis list shows all heroes as they are available in both servers alongNAMEHERO CODEROLE (S)SPECIALTIES109Burst | Magic Damage9Tank | SupportGuard | Crowd Control64Burst | Support4Mage | TankCharge | Regen.
Meta Heroes Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki Fandom
The hero mage has a big influence in the match this hero is on average a hero who is able to do the biggest damage to the team and will make a high win for the team The hero mage itself is very strong to play in the early game this hero is quite easy to play and doesn’t even need to do farming so that this one hero becomes a deadly hero.
Mobile Legends April 2021 Tier List Gamingonphone
Hero ML Meta Terbaik Mobile Legends Februari 2020 – Esportsku
List of Heroes Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki Fandom
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8 Hero Ini Calon Kuat META Mobile Legends Season 22
Setelah perilisan patch 1610 Mobile Legends tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan komposisi Hero meta yang digunakan dalam pertandingan Bahkan sebagian Hero yang mendapatkan nerf masih sering dipick atau bahkan dibanned Untuk itulah turnamen besar seperti MPL Season 8 kerap jadi acuan Di sinilah para pemain publik biasanya mempelajari.