Intel Itanium. Itanium was the spawn of Intel and HP and derived from HP’s PARISC processor used in its Unix systems And that was one of its problems It was basically an HP product and only HP used it.
Intel Itanium Processor Cpu Slc3a 9350 1 73ghz Ebay from eBay
Support for Intel® Itanium® Processor Intel has discontinued interactive support for all Intel® Itanium® Processors as of November 25 2019 Intel Customer Support agents no longer provide technical support via telephone chat web ticket forum or email inquiries for these products.
Intel® Itanium® Processor 9500 Series
PDF fileIntel Itanium processor 9500 series based servers share many common platform ingredients with Intel Xeon processor E7 family such as the chipset memory buf fer interconnects and industry standard memory to bring the volume economics of the Intel Xeon server industry to the Intel Itanium platform.
Intel® Itanium® Processor 9500 Series
Intel® Itanium® Processor 9720 (20M Cache 173 GHz) quick reference with specifications features and technologies.
Microsoft ending support for Itanium Computerworld
Itanium and the IA64 architecture were Intel’s first effort to transition from 32bit to 64bit computing The first products were server chips—consumer PCs back in the early 2000s were still some.
Intel Itanium Processor Cpu Slc3a 9350 1 73ghz Ebay
Intel bids farewell to Itanium processor family TechRadar
The ‘Itanic’—Intel’s illfated Itanium processor—finally
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The Register just found 300odd Itanium CPUs on eBay
Itanium Wikipedia
Support for Intel® Itanium® Processor
Intel® Itanium® Processor
Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg’s conversion.