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Jam Magno (Image Facebook/Jam Magno) Social media personality Jam Magno has been permanently suspended on the microblogging site Twitter and she appears to be baffled over what happened Magno.
Yogscast Game Jam 2021 itch.io
This year we’re running a 7day jam from 5PM GMT December 3rd 5PM GMT December 10th! Selected games will be played live on The Yogscast Jingle Jam stream on December 13th as part of our Jingle Jam charity drive! Developer artist writer musician whatever your role you can go solo or join a team and create something together! Find.
Top ranked games in the GMTK Game Jam 2021 itch.io
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Jam Magno permanently suspended on Twitter Inquirer
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GMTK Game Jam 2021 Hosted by Game Maker’s Toolkit #gmtkjam 5741 Entries 142k Ratings Overview Submissions Results Screenshots Submission feed Results 5741 entries were submitted between 20210611 180300 and 20210613 182000 142082 ratings were given to 5755 entries (1000%) between 20210613 182000 and 20210620 180000 The average.