Sbi Chairman Email Id. The address of Chairman of Sbi is Rigved Cooperative Society Veer Savarkar Marg Dadar Mumbai Contact Number of Chairman of Sbi The contact number of Chairman of Sbi is 02224301750 02224301065 Email Address of Chairman of Sbi The email address of Chairman of Sbi is sbi00666@sbicoin Website of Chairman of Sbi.

Mr Khara is the Chairman of the country’s largest Bank State Bank of India Having joined the bank as a Probationary Officer in 1984 he has rich experience in all facets of Banking Before assuming office as Chairman Mr Khara has held several key positions in SBI such as MD (Global Banking & Subsidiaries) MD (Associates & Subsidiaries) MD & CEO (SBI Mutual Funds) andMissing email idMust include.
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