Sinusitis Dentogen. DOI 101177/1945892420946969 Abstract Background The treatment options for odontogenic sinusitis (OS) include medical management including antibiotics and saline nasal irrigation endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and dental treatment Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether OS caused by dental caries and periapical abscess can be cured by dental treatment alone and which patients should consider surgery early Author Byung Joon Yoo Seon Min Jung Ha Na Lee Hyung Gu Kim Jae Ho Chung Jin Hyeok JeongCited by Publish Year 2021.
Dentogene Zyste Und Dentogene Sinusitis Eref Thieme from
Sinus maksila disebut juga antrum Highmore letaknya dekat akar gigi rahang atas maka infeksi gigi mudah menyebar ke sinus disebut sinusitis dentogen 7 Gambar 5 Penyebaran infeksi pada sinusitis dentogen Hubungan anatomi antara gigi dan antrum Highmore bagian alveolar sinus maksilaris lantai orbital dinding lateral hidung dan dinding lateral os maksila 37/5 (3).
Sinusitis Dentogen PDF
Approximately 10% of all sinusitis cases are the result of an odontogenic process with several reports in the literature citing that up to 40% of all sinusitis cases may have an underlying dental pathology 2 3 Furthermore as many as half a million Americans have dental implant surgery every year 4 Recent literature suggests that rising rates of dental surgery over the last several years may be associated with an increased incidence of iatrogenic causes for sinusitis 5 6 7 Author Ryan E Little Christopher M Long Todd A Loehrl David M PoetkerCited by Publish Year 2018.
Odontogenic sinusitis: A review of the current literature
Data source PubMed literature search for odontogenic sinusitis Results Odontogenic sinusitis is an inflammatory condition of the paranasal sinuses that is the result of dental pathology most often resulting from prior dentoalveolar procedures infections of maxillary dentition or maxillary dental trauma Infections are often polymicrobial with an anaerobepredominant microbiome requiring special considerations for antimicrobial therapy Author Ryan E Little Christopher M Long Todd A Loehrl David M PoetkerCited by Publish Year 2018.
Dentogene Zyste Und Dentogene Sinusitis Eref Thieme
Odontogenic sinusitis: A review of the current literature
Treatment Strategy for Odontogenic Sinusitis
(PPT) Sinusitis Dentogen Louis Tengdyantono
Sinusitis Dentogen Louis Tengdyantono Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper A short summary of this paper 27 Full PDFs related to this paper Read.