Yoga Darsana. Yoga Darśana is a diverse community of people that meet and practice yoga together Our space is dedicated to learning the art of yoga and the desire to evolve in the practice with clarity and mindfulness.

yoga darśana is the place to come for yoga to discover new approaches and strengthen your practice darśana is the Sanskrit word for mirror The studio name yoga darśana is inspired by the yoga Sutras of Patañjali It represents how yoga is like a mirror reflecting the soul through one’s thoughts and actions.
Yoga Darsana Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
Yoga Darsana Yoga Shastra Yoga Saastra or Yoga is among the six Darsanas or the six schools of Indian philosophy The Aim of Yoga is Types of Yoga There are an inumerable Types of Yoga Over the course of history many different types of yoga have been The History of Yoga The actual word.
Yoga Darsana
Yoga darshana is one of the six darshanas or ways of viewing the world according to Hindu philosophy Thousands of years ago Patanjali codified the yoga point of view or yoga darshana in his Yoga Sutras While Patanjali did not found or discover yoga his writings set forth the philosophy of yoga According to yoga darshana the goal in life is union (“yoga”) with the Ultimate Reality a state of enlightenment called samadhi.
That S How The Idea Of Darsana Came Into Being Centre For Yoga Studies yoga darśana
Darshana? Definition What is Yoga from Yogapedia
What is Yoga Darsana? Definition from Yogapedia
Yoga darsana is typically defined as the yoga system of philosophy and is usually associated with Patanjali's Yoga Sutras which codified this darsana A Sanskrit term yoga means “unity” and darsana translates as “vision” or “way of seeing the world” There are six orthodox darsanas in Hindu philosophy of which yoga darsana is one of the most ancient.